
Posted on April 8, 2009 Under Life

Whether you fancy yourself an elite member of the Twitterati or you'd rather just give your friends information on a need to know basis, there's absolutely no denying the ubiquity of the hottest microblogging technology since someone posted a twitpic…

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Need a Problem

Posted on April 7, 2009 Under Life

Do you think that the air smells like roses and the sun is always shining? Are you constantly enveloped in the warm fuzziness of your being? If you said yes to either of those statements you run the risk of…

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Aviary: Online Graphic Design Tools

Posted on April 3, 2009 Under Life

Not everyone has the talent to be a professional in the arts, but that doesn't make that itch not worth scratching every once in awhile. While serious types often spend lots of cash on the latest design software, more casual…

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OneRiot Twitter Search

Posted on April 2, 2009 Under Life

Twitter is a great way for fostering discussion amongst your friends, telling strangers how your doctor's appointment went, or staying up-to-date on Shaq. But sometimes you just need Twitter's important opinions on one particular topic. Thanks to OneRiot's new Twitter…

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Bad Decision Blocker

Posted on April 2, 2009 Under Life

Google's "unsend" setting has already saved thousands of savvy net-izens from mistaken late night e-mails. The new iPhone Bad Decision Blocker application goes one step further, by blocking specific contacts at preset times. So the next time you want to…

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Get BuckyBalls

Posted on March 13, 2009 Under Life
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Italdesign x Namir hybrid

Posted on March 5, 2009 Under Eco

The image of hybrid cars as boxy, efficient little travel pods is getting a makeover. At the Geneva Motor Show, Italdesign unveiled the Namir prototype, a 370-horsepower space rocket that can travel over 1,200 miles on a single charge. Namir…

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Beautiful Crime Treasure Hunt 2.0

Posted on February 13, 2009 Under Art

This is a little late notice, but if you are in London and aren't sure what to do tonight, how about wandering the city for art. In the same vein as Adam Neate's street art give away, the art group…

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Inamo: Restaurant of the Future

Posted on February 13, 2009 Under Food

You know what's annoying about restaurants: waiters. They bring you the wrong orders, you can't find them when you need them, and conversely they constantly check up when you don't (no offense to any of our reader/waiters, we're sure you're…

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Sruli Recht's Blankoat

Posted on February 4, 2009 Under Fashion

For those of you who can't be bothered with wearing a sweater, the Snuggie was a godsend. But there's a major problem with it -- it really lacks style. Sruli Recht's Blankoat doesn't. Brought to you by the designer who…

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