The Little Know-It-All

Posted on July 25, 2007 Under Design

Here's what I need: to be transformed into a design crackerjack by a single book. A single book consisting of "the knowledge currently required of designers as the evolution of media redefines their role and expands the disciplines in which…

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A. Leo Nash

Posted on July 12, 2007 Under Art

In the interest of full disclosure, let me state the following: I have not gone, nor do I ever intend to ever go, to Burning Man. There are a myriad of reasons behind my reluctance, not the least of which…

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Charley Harper – An Illustrated Life

Posted on July 12, 2007 Under Books

American artist Charley Harper, whose well-loved illustrations of nature, insects, animals and people have been appearing in books and magazines since the 1950's, passed away barely a month ago in his hometown of Cincinnati at the age of 84. The…

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IYC Update!

Posted on July 10, 2007 Under Art

Last Thursday, I wrote about the new issue of If You Could, the ongoing project that asks artists to answer the question "If you could do anything tomorrow, what would it be?" There are still copies of this book up…

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If You Could

Posted on July 6, 2007 Under Design

Today marks the official release of the second edition of If You Could, the annual publication that shares 112 artists' answers to the question, "If you could do anything tomorrow, what would it be?" The new issue, which once again…

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HOOPLANETICS (a.k.a.: The Apocalypse)

Posted on July 3, 2007 Under Books

This morning, I got another one of those friendly emails Amazon likes to send to remind me that they know me...maybe even better than my mom does. Like enough to know that even though I say I don't care about…

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Literago: Chicago

Posted on June 22, 2007 Under Books

Every so often, I review my browsing history and start to feel a bit jaded. I mean, surely there's more to life than secret retail sales, snarky blogs, and open bars... right? (I don't know where you're getting these crackpot…

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Library Books

Posted on June 12, 2007 Under Books

I think I've been blacklisted and/or heavily fined by at least 6 libraries in my lifetime, and I'm at the point where I just steal borrow books from my friends who have bad memories and generously donate to many a…

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Ben Casnocha: My Startup Life

Posted on May 29, 2007 Under Books

My friend Ben Casnocha is off and running with his first of what I expect will be many books. The book is called My Startup Life: What a (Very) Young CEO Learned on His Journey Through Silicon Valley, and while…

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Atelier Machado Notebooks

Posted on May 25, 2007 Under Books

I'm an enthusiastic user of Moleskine notebooks because they're high quality, but now that everyone and their mother has one now, I'm always getting paranoid about my roommates mistaking mine for theirs if I ever accidentally leave it laying around…

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