The Little Know-It-All

Posted on July 25, 2007 Under Design

Here’s what I need: to be transformed into a design crackerjack by a single book. A single book consisting of “the knowledge currently required of designers as the evolution of media redefines their role and expands the disciplines in which they must be competent,” to be exact. And with only seven chapters (plus a little practice/preach design), The Little Know-It-All: Common Sense for Designers looks like it’s got exactly what I need to keep the learning to a maximum and educational angst to a minimum. Written for a global audience, this design bible even covers various international formats and legalities- a section I’ll probably skip, but useful nonetheless (especially if you’re an actual designer, and not just reading to fight brain atrophy, like me). You can pre-order The Little-Know-It-All (due out August 22) for an amazingly sane $29 on Amazon — quite a steal for 352-paged goldmine, no?