Hey, it's Survey Time! Win some awesome prizes!

Posted on November 19, 2007 Under Life

Boys and girls, it's that time of the year again where we ask you to spare a few minutes to tell us a little bit about yourself; your likes, dislikes, and what you think about this little site turned full-time…

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Spearlocator: Portland, Los Angeles, NYC

Posted on September 10, 2007 Under Travel

Time for a quick Spearlocator update! I'm in Portland for the next three days, meeting with a certain shoe brand (you'll never guess which one); I've got some free time here and there if anyone has any good tips for…

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Undoboy & Spear Collective + Mimobot: The King and Queen

Posted on August 29, 2007 Under Gadgetry

A while back, Mimoco approached the Spear Collective with the idea of doing an artist series Mimobot. We hollered at our 26 artists to submit design proposals, and many of them came through with some damn impressive bot mockups. In…

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mimobot Winners!

Posted on August 7, 2007 Under Gadgetry

Thanks to everyone for their input regarding how to best use the floor and wall space in my very empty, very awesome new apartment and as promised, we're giving away -- arbitrarily! okay, only sort of -- the three Ptry…

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Carmel Goes to Hollywood

Posted on July 30, 2007 Under Travel

Heads up to our California readers: early tomorrow morning I'll be on two Red Bulls and an airplane, heading to L.A. for a little hunting. I've spent tons of time in the Northern part of the state, but almost no…

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Spearlocator: Quick Update, Back to London

Posted on July 21, 2007 Under Travel

Just a quick update in the Spear-travel-world, I know many readers appreciate knowing my whereabouts. I still have a handful of reviews coming from Bali and Java to write. I landed back on the east coast for the last week…

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Spear Collective: Computer Arts Cover!

Posted on July 5, 2007 Under Design

When I had the idea to form an artist collective and ultimately launched the Spear Collective with Jamie this March, we had no idea that we would garner such incredible recognition in such a short period of time. This month,…

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Looky Here, it's Mr. Luce

Posted on June 28, 2007 Under Life

It's officially a happy Thursday, because today is the day we introduce Mike Luce, our new Chicago-based contributor that's been filling the pages of Spearland with the kind of wit and wisdom one can only attribute to years of sometimes…

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Spear's Next Stop: Asia, Indonesia and Beyond?

Posted on June 25, 2007 Under Travel

Just fresh back from London where it looks like my new agency will be opening an office, (more on the agency a bit soon), and with only a week at home here in Boulder, I've decided to make a major…

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We Love Heather: Welcome To The Team

Posted on June 4, 2007 Under Life

Many of you have probably noticed the posts by our latest contributor and new hand-on-deck here at JoshSpear.com, Heather Snodgrass. Born in Mackay, North Queensland, Australia (G'day, Mate), Heather moved to NYC in December '05, after four years in San…

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