Spear's Next Stop: Asia, Indonesia and Beyond?

Posted on June 25, 2007 Under Travel

Just fresh back from London where it looks like my new agency will be opening an office, (more on the agency a bit soon), and with only a week at home here in Boulder, I’ve decided to make a major and life-changing move — I’ve packed my apartment up, shipped and stored what matters most to me, sold what matters least and I am officially a nomad (read: Jetsetter). I’m feeling both terrified and a sense of freedom I’ve never really experienced before now. I’m off early tomorrow morning to Taiwan (didn’t get enough of Taipei those night markets last time around), followed by some downtime and exploring in Bali and Java with my brothers. After a few weeks in Indonesia, I hop back into NYC for a couple of speaking engagements, into London for a handful of meetings and from there the adventure continues — I’ll be living and planning my next stop (or not planning) on the go. I will live in hotels, friends couches, and hopefully, the guest bedrooms of rich and famous. My mission is to explore, meet new people, find new dynamic content for this site and aggressively build all of my businesses around the globe. Maybe I’ll even put up a poll and let you all decide where I should go next. I know I don’t often use this blog for personal reflection anymore but thought many of my readers would actually like to know what I’m up to as this site grows and widens the lens with a great set of new writers from around the world. As always, if you have any tips, contacts, etcetera in any of the places I’m going or want to engage me for some consulting/speaking in any of the places mentioned above, please feel free to drop me a line.