Your Search For: jonathon keats, returned: 8 Items

Jonathon Keats x Universe Kit

Posted on November 11, 2008 Under Art
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Jonathon Keats' Bee Ballet

Posted on July 9, 2008 Under Art

Lately, all we've been hearing is sad news about the plight of the honeybees and their declining numbers. Thank goodness for conceptual artist Jonathon Keats' newest endeavor. Next week (July 19th to be exact) Keats will choreograph the first ever…

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Jonathon Keats: Pornography for Plants

Posted on August 31, 2007 Under Art

You may recall some of Jonathon Keats' previous whacky yet positively pertinant conceptual art projects -- there was the silent ringtone, a 4:33 "interlude of digitally-generated silence," and also the one where he observed the drawing prowess of "non-sentient" spruce…

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Jonathon Keats' My Cage Ringtone: Shhh!

Posted on February 13, 2007 Under Art, Life

In a world full of Crazy Frog and Chamillionaire ringtones, Jonathon Keats is breathing some fresh air into the annoying market of sounds with his My Cage ringtone. Available for download at Start Mobile, My Cage is a 4:33 "interlude…

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Keats' Solar Systems

Posted on October 18, 2007 Under Art

In his latest conceptual arts foray, Jonathon Keats is "formulating new miracles at a cosmic scale for gods to license and implement." Huhhhh? The way he explains it -- and I'm not so sure I could do much better --…

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Porn Palace for God: NYC

Posted on October 28, 2010 Under Art

This might offend a few people, if so, I'm sorry. Jonathan Keats strikes again. Nearly fourteen billion years after the Big Bang, next month an American pornographer will screen intimate scenes from the conception of the cosmos in order to…

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Lunar and Martian Mineral Water

Posted on September 25, 2010 Under Art

Artist and philosopher Jonathon Keats strikes again. This time with a space tourism agency launching in affiliation with California State University, which will be bottling and selling lunar and martian mineral waters. His full press release after the jump. Awesome! An opening…

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The Agrifolk Art Movement: Let the Trees Draw!

Posted on February 19, 2007 Under Art

We've seen Jonathon Keats' profound conceptual art projects before, and were blown away by their social relevance. The key breakthrough that led to Keats' interest in the Agrifolk Art Movement was made at the MacNamara Foundation on Westport Island in…

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