Typeography Soap

Posted on June 28, 2009 Under Design

typeographysoap.jpgIf you’re truly a typography geek, then why stop at just outfitting your office and your bedroom with lust-worthy fonts? We just spotted this rad translucent soap created by Debbie Chialtas at The Soap Lab on the design site FredFlare. The square soap features raised letters and punctuation and we’re geeked about the fact we can get clean and look fresh while doing so. Just one thing to note – the “Crushed Ice” scent means it smells like peppermint, though logic says it should be fragrance-free. Well, that’s it, we’re off to sniff the ice in our freezer. And, for writers, The Soap Lab also offers a “Writer’s Block” soap that features a gluttony of words to get your brain churning.