Talk Shop Fridays: Whatchoo Watchin'?

Posted on August 17, 2007 Under Life

A certain someone just told me he couldn't help me come up with a TSF topic because he's too busy watching Domo-Kun on YouTube. That got me thinking -- there are times that I tell people I'm "too busy right…

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Posted on July 30, 2007 Under Life

Tonight at 7:15 pm (Sao Paulo time), Brazil's -- maybe even the world's? -- first Internet user-generated content program airs on television channel TVA, bringing to fruition a project that's been patiently marinating in Web form for a couple of…

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Love your Drywall

Posted on July 23, 2007 Under Gadgetry

A lot of holes in your wall: that's something you don't want. Instead of mounting your sweet new flat screen plasma TV directly on your wall"”discoloring your paint and drilling holes in the drywall to keep the screen up and…

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Posted on July 19, 2007 Under Life

By now, we have come to expect intelligent, provocative programming from HBO. HBOVoyeur is the network's latest project, and it's almost completely different from anything predating it. To start with, there's barely any dialogue. The viewer watches the stories unfold…

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Flight of the Conchords

Posted on May 23, 2007 Under Music

After being badgered by two close friends yesterday to check out the first episode of Flight of the Conchords, I did this morning and I have to say -- this is hilarious stuff. Maybe it was the best breakup line…

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Global Internet TVPortal

Posted on April 18, 2007 Under Life

We've been seeing a huge surge in online TV services lately. Heck, I've done away with my Tivo and DVR because every show I miss can be accessed online. The Global InternetTV Portal is not a online TV service per…

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DNA 11 on CSI NY

Posted on April 12, 2007 Under Art

Flipping through the channels last night I got hooked into an episode of CSI New York-- which I've been known to do from time to time. I was excited and surprised to see the DNA Portrait play an important role…

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Find Internet TV

Posted on April 3, 2007 Under Life

On the heals of David's helpful and exciting post about Joost this morning, I thought you may also want to know where to find TV programming online. Find Internet TV is a good place to start. This site provides both…

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Joost Internet TV

Posted on April 3, 2007 Under Life

Just like your wheat grass this morning, this is juiced (well, Joost really, but pronounced "juiced"). It's coming to us from Swedish entrepreneur Niklas Zennstrom and his Danish partner Janus Friis, the guys behind Kazaa and Skype-- which as many…

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Talk Shop Fridays: What Do You Watch?

Posted on March 30, 2007 Under Life

This is an experiment, and I may regret it-- but I'm very interested in the answers so I think it's worth a try. The question: What do you watch? You-- the readers of this blog. Many people are saying we're…

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