
Posted on January 1, 2010 Under Art

My pals of DNA11 fame have broadened their horizons a little bit, and this is their latest startup. They're letting anyone print images to canvas– very easy and very affordable. Congrats guys! CanvasPop is the web's most innovative provider of…

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Is This Your Luggage?

Posted on April 23, 2009 Under Travel

Lost luggage is the worst. And it seems, no matter what trouble you go to to prevent yours from being misplaced "“ designer bags, vibrant tags, etc. "“ it doesn't really make a difference to the airlines or that person…

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SimulSays: Visionary Voicemail

Posted on May 1, 2007 Under Gadgetry

I've been reading my voicemail (sounds weird right) since my good friends over at Cool Hunting introduced me to Simulscribe last November-- It's an amazing voice to text service that I haven't been able to live without since the day…

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ExchangeFrame: Streamline Tradeshows

Posted on February 13, 2007 Under Fashion

ExchangeFrame is a new web-based service that may just change the way the boutique garment biz operates (for the better of course). Through various mechanisms before, during, and after the tradeshow, ExchangeFrame tightens the relationship between the tradeshow and its…

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Love Me and Leave Me: Borrowed Fashion

Posted on January 16, 2007 Under Fashion

I am not quite sure what I think about this idea, but for some reason I felt compelled to write about it for those of you who don't already know about it-- it's Australian entrepreneurship at its best. Love Me…

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Posted on October 5, 2006 Under Music

I think DJ Danger Mouse's "The Grey Album" is really what brought the term mash-up to the masses. The idea of mixing and matching sound bites and guitar rifts is nothing new, but to do it in a fashion that…

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Posted on June 21, 2005 Under Life

I know this made the circuit a while ago, but the incredible "Concierge Service Club": quintessentially, has recently opened an L.A. office, and now hosts a weekly party at Hollywood Roosevelt's Tropicana Bar for members only. They seem to be…

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Google Search History

Posted on April 21, 2005 Under Life

I'm not so sure how I feel about Googles new "Search History" service. It's smart, obvious, and was only a matter of time for such a thing to be introduced--but I see a lot of privacy issues coming up for…

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Posted on April 13, 2005 Under Life

Buzztracker is a neat internet based software that "visualizes frequencies and relationships between locations in the Google word news directory. It does a pretty good job at showing how interconnected the world is--right now top 10 locations include Baghdad, Beijing,…

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