Inaugural Obama Action Figures

Posted on January 7, 2009 Under Design

We brought you word of the ART + ACTION = OBAMA '08 custom action figure event back in October. Following that successful benefit -- and indeed the success of its central character -- Jailbreak Toys will release two new Obama…

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Buncefield: Three Years On

Posted on November 11, 2008 Under Life

Nearly three years ago, Ian Silverstein, one of my dear friends and guest contributors to this site was simply minding his own business, asleep, when his home and everything in it was destroyed by Britain's largest peacetime explosion. His life…

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Obama Dominoes Portrait

Posted on November 7, 2008 Under Art

Barack Obama will be the 44th president of the United States of America. To honor and celebrate his historic achievement, Robert Bosch, Faculty at Oberlin went ahead and created a portrait of President-Elect Obama out of 44 complete sets of…

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O, The Savings

Posted on November 6, 2008 Under Fashion

If there's one thing that you've learned from us down the stretch of this recently passed Presidential election, it could be that a lot of merchandise has been made in support of Barack Obama. The current President-Elect has inspired the…

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Voting, In Your Own Words

Posted on November 4, 2008 Under Life

We've all ODed on politics this go around: the pundits, stump speeches, posters, rallies and spin. Well all of that is over and today we vote. Cutting through all the spin and politics is a website SayHear that allows people…

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DNC Election Night Celebration

Posted on November 3, 2008 Under Life
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Kasper Verkaik: Dear Oprah

Posted on November 3, 2008 Under Life

After focusing his lens on the American media's coverage of the Iraq war, Dutch documentarian Kasper Verkaik has diaried a six month journey around the U.S., talking to individuals who don't exercise their right to vote as well as young voters…

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Rhetoric Tees

Posted on October 31, 2008 Under Fashion

The Presidential election comes to an end Tuesday, and no matter who wins, the shirt we wore in support of our preferred ticket will most likely be relegated to "wear at the gym" or "repainting" status. If you're anything like…

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Posted on October 29, 2008 Under Life

In less than a week you're going to have to vote for a Presidential candidate. Unless of course you're under 18 or not an American citizen, in which case you're off the hook. Otherwise we expect you to be at…

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Posted on October 28, 2008 Under Design

One week left to go before the presidential election. We've shown you the posters, shirts, websites, bike, video game and toys. Now it is up to you guys to actually go out and do it. Just in case you need a…

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