Man on Wire

Posted on August 18, 2008 Under Art

If you're wondering what to do tonight, I suggest you run, don't walk to see the film Man On Wire. In 1974 a young Frenchman named Philippe Petit illegally rigged a wire between New York's Twin Towers, which were at…

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LE:60's 1-Minute Film Fest

Posted on August 12, 2008 Under Life
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2008 Vader Project

Posted on July 22, 2008 Under Art

No matter how far, far away you are from Skywalker Ranch, one thing will always ring true: fan boys and fan girls alike can't get enough of the Holy Sextilogy. Over the last several days Star Wars freaks and geeks…

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Late Fragment

Posted on July 8, 2008 Under Life

Sometimes sitting through a movie can be a torturous endeavor. You leave the theater saying there was too much of this plotline and not enough of another. You tell your friends that you could do a better job editing. Well…

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Matchpoint x White Capri

Posted on May 30, 2008 Under Fashion

As if Scarlett Johansson didn't have a huge enough ego as is, now she's inevitably going to find out that a movie she starred in has inspired a stunning new line of bags as adorable as the actress herself. The…

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Speartalks: Aaron Rose

Posted on April 25, 2008 Under Art

Several months ago, we about lost our crap when we heard that Beautiful Losers "“ the museum exhibit-turned-most brilliant coffee table book ever bound by mechanical means "“ would soon be joined by another extension of arty rectitude. Beautiful Losers,…

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Beautiful Losers: Update

Posted on April 21, 2008 Under Art

In the early '90s, the most we knew of an artistic movement was the one that was happening on our World Politics textbook (and we seriously hope the statute of limitations is up on prosecuting for vandalism). However, guys (and…

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Posted on October 15, 2007 Under Art

I have soft spot for cartoons. I don't watch them often anymore, but in theory, I could. I guess it brings back fond memories of early Saturday mornings, of course as I've grown up (well, sort of), so have cartoons.…

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Posted on October 11, 2007 Under Life

Via Thrillist, the lazy dude's incredibly well-informed, bicoastal best friend (that's right, it's in LA and SF now, so if you live in either of those locales, sign the hell up already), we get word of a new way to…

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Helvetica The Film: Pre-Order Me

Posted on August 17, 2007 Under Design

Last August we raved about the trailer for Helvetica: The Movie, a documentary focused on the world's most popular (and arguably most powerful) typeface. Finally, the DVD version is now ready for pre-order, with a delivery date of November 6th.…

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