Man on Wire

Posted on August 18, 2008 Under Art

Man_on_wire_ver2.jpg If you’re wondering what to do tonight, I suggest you run, don’t walk to see the film Man On Wire. In 1974 a young Frenchman named Philippe Petit illegally rigged a wire between New York’s Twin Towers, which were at the time the world’s largest buildings. This beautiful film narrates Petit’s incredible talent of wire walking and the incredible planning which took six and a half years to turn a dream into a reality. Much like a bank heist, it took years of planning to bypass security, plan the rigging, and eventually step out on the wire and become a legend. Dubbed the artistic crime of the century, he spent nearly an hour dancing between the two towers on a wire more than 1,350 above the sidewalks of Manhattan. The story is beautiful, the footage is mind boggling, and the price of the ticket, very worth it. Seriously, this movie was inspiring, funny, and moving — take the family.