Chrome for iOS
I tried it. I'm impressed. Check out Chrome for iOS on your iPhone and iPad. I think it's time for Apple to up the ante on their mobile browser, that's for sure.
Continue Reading →I tried it. I'm impressed. Check out Chrome for iOS on your iPhone and iPad. I think it's time for Apple to up the ante on their mobile browser, that's for sure.
Continue Reading →As you read this, Google is holding a press conference at their Mountain View headquarters to announce the Nexus One, a phone that many feel is the first true arrival of what the Android OS was meant to be. The…
Continue Reading →Many people are creating projects based on free Google tools, APIs, and Google brand as inspiration at large. Goollery is an online gallery dedicated to collect, archive and showcase some of the most creative, fun and innovative Google-related* projects from…
Continue Reading →Anna the Red makes brilliant character bento, often with a nod toward anime and video games. Her Kyaraben transforms the traditional Japanese lunch box into a work of art. Recently, someone from Google took notice of Anna's bento prowess and…
Continue Reading →If you haven't logged into your iGoogle page yet, you're missing out on a rad new customizing feature: artist themes to personalize your search toolbar. I've got mine set on Nigo's camo apes, but that's after I changed it from…
Continue Reading →As promised my presentation last week at Google Zeitgeist is now online for your viewing pleasure-- the fine group at Google did an extraordinary job editing and posting the video to YouTube. It was truly an honor to speak alongside…
Continue Reading →My apologies for the radio silence since I arrived here in London! I've had an incredible past few days, filled with meetings and engagements. The most notable experience was definitely my talk at Google Zeitgeist yesterday followed by a panel…
Continue Reading →Legendary graffiti artist Vulcan was recently commissioned to paint a line of servers for Google in conjunction with his solo show that recently opened on the company's Mountain View Campus. You can browse the work from the show on Vulcan's…
Continue Reading →GeoGreeting is a nifty little Google Maps mash-up that lets you write words and messages with corresponding buildings to shape each letter. The J in Josh is a building in Ponomona, CA while the S in Spear is from Minneapolis,…
Continue Reading →Google just quietly launched Google Mars-- I kid you not. This online application allows you to browse the martian landscape the same way Google Maps allows you to scan and research our planet earth. Browse the mountains, canyons, dunes, plains,…
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