Stina Persson

Posted on May 6, 2008 Under Art

How did the Swedes become such good designers? Their idea of Wall-Mart is IKEA, the people are gorgeous, and their streets are always clean no matter what time of night you are out. It's a question we may never solve.…

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Stephan Doitschinoff

Posted on May 6, 2008 Under Art

When you've got Sepultura calling you on the phone to do your record cover, you could count that as a pretty good sign to keep on truckin'. It took a couple of years, but after designing the band's Dante XXI…

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Nike's Art of Football x Dominic Wilcox

Posted on May 6, 2008 Under Design

When we last left Dominic Wilcox, he was puttering around the U.K., building absurd model airplanes. Now he wants to take you to, Niketown! Well, Niketown, London. Besides running a Nike iD session on May 9 at the megastore (stop…

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CineVegas' Viral Videos

Posted on May 6, 2008 Under Life

Normally, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Unless your mission is to hype the 10th anniversary of one of the hottest and fastest-growing film fests in the world. Then, it's all about getting the word out. Just like Sin…

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Catch Banksy in Action

Posted on May 5, 2008 Under Art

This weekend's bank holiday in London is almost over, so you better hurry if you want to have a chance to compete with elusive graffiti artist, Banksy. The Cans Festival opened up a half mile of unused tunnel behind Waterloo…

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Camp Firebelly

Posted on May 2, 2008 Under Design

What if you could go back to a summer camp where all you did was arts and crafts? Well, Firebelly Design is about to make you one happy camper. Camp Firebelly, a two week graphic arts program / sleepaway camp,…

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Sao Paulo: Skol Beats 2008 Election Time

Posted on May 2, 2008 Under Music

The most delicate challenge that all music festivals organizers have to overcome is putting together a lineup that pleases a large enough number of John and Jane Musicfans, but also convinces them the ticket is worth the price. It's a…

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Ripple Design x PAD Outdoor

Posted on May 1, 2008 Under Design

ICFF time is almost here again, which means that our inbox is about to get flooded with contemporary furniture designers hawking their wares. One of the booths we will stop by though, is the Designboom Mart, which will feature new…

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Cause for Drinks 3

Posted on April 23, 2008 Under Life

None of us around here really need an excuse for happy hour, but it's always a good thing when there's a cause involved. All Day Buffet's third Cause For Drinks happens tonight in six cities nationwide -- NYC, New Orleans,…

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Space Invader tee @ 55DSL

Posted on April 16, 2008 Under Design

Oh trackball, where have you gone? Back in the early 80s, when quarters were plentiful and mall arcades were built to satisfy a young man's fancy, we'd spend some quality time with this rolly control on games like Bowling, Missile…

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