Flux E-Desk

Posted on August 29, 2007 Under Design

Shane Crozier's Flux E-Desk looks like something straight out of the future. Think Minority Report, think Blade Runner, think kindergarten circa 2025; this is what I, and I'd imagine Shane, could see school desks looking like in another 15 to…

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X-Seed 4000

Posted on August 21, 2007 Under Design

Taisei Construction Corporation has designed a 13,000 ft, Star Wars-esque structure for possible development in Tokyo. The 6-square kilometer building would house anywhere from 500,000 to one million residents, follow contemporary green planning outlines, and would incorporate the means to…

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Green Storage

Posted on August 17, 2007 Under Design

Portland is getting another storage facility, and you're probably thinking, "just what America needs...more mini storage," but in this case, hell yes! The proposed Portland City Storage facility will likely be the most energy efficient storage facility in the world,…

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Posted on August 2, 2007 Under Design

Both Josh and I have written in the past about the open-source image and animation programming language called Processing. In those earlier posts, you'll find links to several neat-looking doodads made with Processing. The real trick with any new technology,…

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Taeki Oh

Posted on July 30, 2007 Under Design

In the category of slick websites without a whole lot on them, we have taekioh.com, the portfolio site for designer Taeki Oh. Between the clicking menus and the porn-groove soundtrack, Oh has a real doozy on his hands. There is…

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ORYX Time Trial Bike

Posted on July 26, 2007 Under Design

I'm already a sucker for gorgeous time trial bikes (as evidenced by my drooling over the Project .05 a while back), and with the Tour De France likely to come down to the final time trial stage to determine the…

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Interior Weeds

Posted on July 10, 2007 Under Design

I can't tell you about the entirely frustrating battle that my garden pavers and I had against these mutant, pain-in-the-ass dandelions back in California. It didn't matter what I did -- sprays, praying to whatver gardening gods would listen, digging…

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Posted on June 21, 2007 Under Design

There's something at MIT, wouldn't you know it, called the Aesthetics + Computation Group, whose aim is "the design of advanced system architectures and thought processes to enable the creation of (as yet) unimaginable forms and spaces." Two thoughts. First,…

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Packaging for Re-Use

Posted on June 19, 2007 Under Design

Being such a huge cheerleader for industrial design rockstar Eion McNally (as well as his sometime co-conspirator, Ian Walton), I get super-excited when I get wind of any new project he's got going on -- and I wasn't at all…

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Paul Isabella

Posted on June 6, 2007 Under Design

Paul Isabella is a furniture design student at the Savannah College of Art and Design, and judging from his current portfolio, it looks like a sunny future is in store for this gifted newbie. Isabella's work stems from "impressions in…

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