Packaging for Re-Use

Posted on June 19, 2007 Under Design

Being such a huge cheerleader for industrial design rockstar Eion McNally (as well as his sometime co-conspirator, Ian Walton), I get super-excited when I get wind of any new project he’s got going on — and I wasn’t at all disappointed when he emailed me about his Packaging for Re-Use prototype. Using a combination of wax-coated cardboard, adhesive patches, velcro, lambswool felt and some DIY ingenuity, the once disposable-but-not-so-recyclable packaging protecting your spankin’ new laptop converts into a sleeve, perfect for insulating your prized possession from dings and dirt. Because, if you ask me, getting all craftser is a hell of a lot more fun than throwing away a box filled with styrofoam blocks. Note to Mr. Jobs, though — when you buy this from Eion, I’m expecting a finder’s fee.