Internet Radio Day of Silence

Posted on June 26, 2007 Under Music

I rely on both Pandora and Yahoo! Music on a daily basis to listen to streaming music. Both sites offer their services for free and are excellent at what they do. Since I found them I have been liberated from…

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billWillie: Style/Conscious

Posted on June 20, 2007 Under Life

There's a tragically jaded part of me that likes to roll my eyes every time I hear about another new fashion label trying to save the world. I actually agree, in theory anyway, with the concept of fashion as a…

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A Mighty Heart

Posted on June 18, 2007 Under Art

Whatever good or bad can be said about Angelina Jolie surely has already been written, but her sincere effort to portray Mariane Pearl, wife of Wall Street Journal journalist Daniel Pearl in the narrative film A Mighty Heart should be…

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Posted on June 14, 2007 Under Life

Micro-lending has been in the news a lot lately, since Muhammad Yunus won the Nobel Prize for his pioneering work in the field and wrote a book about it, called Banker to the Poor: Micro-lending and the Battle Against World…

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Greendeavor: Incentive to Shop Green

Posted on May 7, 2007 Under Life

A fresh and free-to-use social shopping website, Greendeavor is moving us in the right (eco-friendly) direction with regard to our consumer behavior. This site is a hybrid of a social network and a shopping rewards program-- you can connect through…

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Design for Humanity: Last Chance to Bid!

Posted on May 4, 2007 Under Art

You have a little under two days (1d 23h 34m to be exact) to submit ebay bids for some great art produced to raise money for Billabong's Design for Humanity initiative. Each piece is on 18" x 18"wood panels, and…

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Posted on May 4, 2007 Under Art

The use of children as soldiers is perhaps the most destructive yet least discussed aspect of many of the dozens of ongoing conflicts worldwide. While organizations such as Human Rights Watch, UNICEF, Amnesty International and others have been trying to…

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50 Graus Installation: Sao Paulo

Posted on April 23, 2007 Under Life

Marco Monteiro in Sao Paulo pointed us to a clever guerilla campaign by environmental group 50 Graus that happened over the weekend in the city's popular Ibirapuera Park. The group "installed" ice sculptures of penguins on the grass to call…

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Logan Real Does Good

Posted on April 23, 2007 Under Fashion

It's always refreshing to see artists using their talents for the greater good, and in Logan Real's case, he's leaving his subtle yet distinctive mark on his custom shoes in support of the global fight against HIV, Malaria and Tuberculosis.…

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Posted on April 16, 2007 Under Life

As "green" becomes the new "red, white and blue," we've been seeing a lot of innovative ideas that work conservation ideals into our daily lives. Greenprint is another such idea-- it's a software program that scans documents queued to print…

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