billWillie: Style/Conscious

Posted on June 20, 2007 Under Life

There’s a tragically jaded part of me that likes to roll my eyes every time I hear about another new fashion label trying to save the world. I actually agree, in theory anyway, with the concept of fashion as a catalyst for change, but when every brand around decides to dispassionately associate themselves with one cause or another- – well, goals get muddled. People find it a little harder to take them seriously. And sadly enough, most of the time they’re right.

However, I think my eyes are clearing up a little with the up-and-coming men’s luxury brand billWillie. Self-defined as a “socially conscious men’s label,” and based around the five universal principles of open-mindedness, awareness, truth, motivation, and perseverance, billWillie is working hard to establish a grassroots global network with the main aspiration of youth empowerment. bilWillie, who plans to keep his high-profile identity a secret (apparently, he has the credentials of an under-30 style-icon, an entrepreneur, and a social activist), plans to promote his concept of “consumerism with a concept” via a series of mysterious adventures that help youth overcome the forces of intolerance and ignorance. This obviously won’t be happening through the kids actually purchasing item from the line themselves (price tags for the first series of reversible hoodies run $1,350 and upward), but it will be made possible through sponsorships made possible through the label’s proceeds.

The billWillie story, while only just beginning, is already thick with complexities (what, exactly, are the contents of that gold briefcase?), and I’m anxious to follow developments. The label’s incredible and interactive site offers a very comprehensive explanation of billWillie’s goals, so if you still need to be convinced that the world could actually be changed through fashion, check it out.