blik loves Threadless

Posted on August 4, 2006 Under Design

BlikCollaborations between companies have become extremely prevalent lately, but with some careful filtering you can spot the good and ignore the bad. One recent combination of forces, the wall decal meets t-shirt, is that between blik Surface Graphics and always favorite Threadless, fittingly named blik loves Threadless. Like the basis of Threadless, designers were invited to submit their creations, with the selected ones becoming blik wall graphics. Keeping in line with their existing product line, blik has opted for not one but two cheery designs as winners. First place went to 7.00 by Letter, which is composed of branches, leaves, and birds allowing you to configure your own nature inspired setting. The runner up, Happy When It Rains, by Singerstyler of Zepton, is filled with cute figures dancing amongst clouds, rainbows, and the sun.