The Dose: This Week at Product Dose

Posted on August 4, 2006 Under Life


I’ve received quite a few comments lately regarding the fact that many, if not a majority of my posts are un-purchaseable goods. The rare, the obscure, the conceptual, etc. In the spirit of collaboration I’ve decided to start up a once-a-week post from picks at one of my favorite underrated shopping blogs, Product Dose. Without any further adieu I give you:

This week at of Product Dose!

An interesting way to hang up your dirty jeans: Dart Coat Hooks. Incase you get lost while eating dinner and need a map of LA, designed by the American Institute of Architects Convention in L.A.: Los Angeles 2006 Plate. A tri-fold wallet for those of you who remember life before laser printers: The Dot Matrix Wallet. And last but not least, I love recycled goods so, had to pick The Recycled Tire Waste Basket!