Your Search For: talk shop friday, returned: 37 Items

Talk Shop Fridays: Jaded, Anyone?

Posted on June 1, 2007 Under Life

Last night, a friend of mine excitedly passed me a business card. "Its for my new company," he says (I lean in; start-ups, I love them, this could be good), "We make t-shirts!" (Oh no, oh no, oh no!) I…

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Talk Shop Fridays: Drinky, Drinky

Posted on May 25, 2007 Under Food

It's Friday, and it's supposed to reach ninety-two degrees here in NYC. That has me thinking, even with my monumental hangover, about icy cold cocktails. Not like the martinis I drank last night that ensured me feeling like junk today,…

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Talk Shop Fridays: Listen Up

Posted on May 18, 2007 Under Music

This week has brought us some of the most gorgeous weather we've had so far this week in NYC, and something that marks a definite shift in season for me, personally, is when I trade the typical winter depressive-type playlist…

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Talk Shop Fridays: What's Your Denim?

Posted on May 11, 2007 Under Fashion

I live in jeans. As a result, I go through between fifteen and twenty pairs a year-- sometimes it has to do with bad choices/impulse buys (hello, OND), weight gain/loss (hello, Christmas) or the downright abuse that occurs when I…

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Talk Shop Fridays: Where Are You Headed?

Posted on May 4, 2007 Under Travel

It's a magical time of the year here in New York: that little lull where everyone is out enjoying the gorgeous weather with barbecues in the park and patio happy hours. Pretty soon, though, the city will morph into a…

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Talk Shop Fridays: Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs

Posted on April 20, 2007 Under Life

While I'm sure most of our energy-savvy readers have already replaced their regular lightbulbs with the near-magical power of CFL's (compact flourescent lightbulbs), research is currently showing that sales of these earth-savers are only timidly increasing. CFL's use only one-third…

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Talk Shop Fridays: Live Music

Posted on April 13, 2007 Under Music

Staying with our new tradition, Talk Shop Fridays, I thought I'd pose the question to you fine readers on this glorious day: Which live shows are you excited to see in the coming months? Summer is a great time for…

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Talk Shop Fridays: What Do You Watch?

Posted on March 30, 2007 Under Life

This is an experiment, and I may regret it-- but I'm very interested in the answers so I think it's worth a try. The question: What do you watch? You-- the readers of this blog. Many people are saying we're…

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SpearTalks: Michael Perry

Posted on October 10, 2008 Under Books

Let's start things off right by saying this: Wow, did we love that Hand Job. Not that that's an atypical reaction for us (we'll take hand-drawn ABC's over Photoshop-perfected ones anytime), but regardless, that book just felt good in our…

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SpearTalks: Andrew Hyde for Startup Weekend

Posted on April 18, 2008 Under Life

Up until a few weeks ago, there were only a few words that I associated with startup companies. One was "balls," another was "brains," another was "heart attack." There are elements that lead up to those associations, first and foremost…

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