Zevs vs. McDonalds

Posted on July 6, 2006 Under Art

McdripFrench graffiti legend Zevs has been everywhere lately including here at JoshSpear.com, with his installation / performance in Paris to his collaboration with Mekanism skateboards. But now, using the streets of Paris as his canvas, Zevs is sending his message in a slightly different way "“ using large corporation's presence in our daily environment against them. "Public space is becoming more and more privatized by companies that have only one goal: to make the most money possible no matter what are the consequences." Our friend The Columnist, met with Zevs somewhere on the streets of Paris to conduct an intervention between customers and the company which pumps them full of nitrates, McDonalds. Using road paint (which is pretty much impossible to remove) Zevs brandishes the Golden arches with yellow paint giving them the impression of dripping and leakage, a visual metaphor of what fast food can do to our bodies. While we don't promote vandalism, we must applaud Zevs in his attempt to confront large corporations using art. Thanks Fred!