Vinturi Wine Aerator

Posted on December 20, 2006 Under Food

Everyone who enjoys wine hopefully knows that wine tastes better when it has been aerated. Aeration basically exposes more of the volume of the wine to the air, allowing the vino to ‘breathe,’ thus counteracting the tannins in the wine. The result is a better bouquet, drawn out flavors, and a smoother finish. Vinturi Essential Wine Aerator is an inexpensive ($35) aeration device that requires only a quick pour through. In fact, an independent, double blind taste test determined that “the same bottle of wine treated with Vinturi was higher in overall flavor, intensity, and mouth-feel … higher in red color intensity and overall aroma intensity … more true to type and of higher quality.” With Christmas quickly approaching, you can utilize Vinturi’s overnight or second day shipping options to safely get this under the trees of all the winos in your life.
Via Gizmodo