Tweaker Zine

Posted on August 29, 2007 Under Life

I had a blast this afternoon flipping through the “pages” of the new London-based online skateboarding magazine Tweaker. I have to admit, I usually like to have paper-in-hand to get the best reading experience out of a magazine, but Tweaker has impressed me with how it reads on screen. It’s built in flash, the pages flip for you, and the content level is pretty high for an online zine — they’ve even richened the content by embedding some interesting video clips in there. My favorite section was ‘Videorama: Top 10 Skate Songs,’ where Mark Jackson makes a case for the importance of music tracks in skate videos and proposes his top picks for the best song + segments of all time. Can you guess which was number one? It will be interesting to see where these skate-obsessed “London heads” go with Tweaker… the initial purpose, at least, seems to be pure love for skateboarding and skate culture.

Via The Goat