The Sneaker Commandments

Posted on June 7, 2007 Under Fashion

"Collaborations. Everyone's at it "“ stores, brands, websites, blogs, magazines, toy companies, musicians (often in the very loosest sense of the term) and pretty much anyone who wants to get involved." The collaboration has long since departed from the time when it was thought special and unique. Upset with the hoardes of collaborations, or as was so eloquently worded, “collabortions”, the team over at Sneaker Freaker have created the Top Ten Sneaker Collaboration Commandments: a witty advisory to those looking to design sneakers, including commandments like, "Thou Shall Take More Than Five Minutes to Design the Product," and "Thou Shall Leave the Colorway in the Hands of Those Who Know What They're Doing." The Commandments are a great set of rules for any designer to take into consideration, and hopefully they will aid in stopping all this "collabortion" madness.