The Puppet Agency

Posted on July 13, 2007 Under Life

Seeing as though it’s Friday, mid-afternoon and gorgeous outside (at least it is here in NYC), I’m going to go ahead and assume that you’re just like me and being productive by counting down the minutes to 6:00pm. You should, then, take your eyes off the clock and waste some time watching The Puppet Agency, a perfectly hilarious internet show about an ad agency that holds true to a real-life corporate gig — except for the obvious fact that the characters are puppets. The beginning opens with a high-energy rock theme song and random clips including the puppets drinking, smoking or making out on the job. Now maybe I am wrong or just oddly perverted, but are puppets simulating sex acts ever not funny? There are currently three episodes up on the site with nine slated, plus a bonus "Lost Episodes" clip. Featuring six characters, they fit in everyone from the Client to the Junior Executive to the Token Bald Guy. There is also a Creative Director who refuses to budge on any ideas and boasts his own brilliance in Episode 3 that I could swear was based on one of my former co-workers. They are currently accepting stories so head on over and share your cubicle complaints and calamities.

Or, you know. Just write in and bitch about how much you hate working on sunny Friday afternoons.