Spear Exclusive: X-Games 13 + WEFAIL

Posted on July 13, 2007 Under Design

Building a website (and I’m talking a serious website, not some one-pager for posting lame vacation pictures and blog about how much milk one can drink before puking) can — and theoretically, should — take a long, long time, hence why it’s called “building” a website, because it’s kind of like building a house. And when you’re trying to build a nice house, like one with custom cabinets and secret passageways and maybe an exact replica made to scale for the family pit bull in the backyard, it takes even longer. At least until some asshole comes along and builds said house in four weeks, thereby messing up our entire, established, well-maintained-until-YOU fantasy.

Translate this situation to the web, and what you get is a sick, sickly good promo site for X-Games 13 (August 2-5; Los Angeles, CA). Much like other huge sites for huge operations, originalworksofsport.com features all kinds of flash magic and click tricks, but much unlike other sites of this scale, the whole thing was smashed together in four weeks. By a little, irreverent design firm by the name of WEFAIL*.

And perhaps it’s fitting that an incredible site for an extreme-sports showdown — where speed is sort of the main idea — was built in such a timely manner, but out of respect for the other thousands of upstanding web designers trying to make a living could you please take it down a notch? Maybe relax a little? Try going to sleep at night? Because some of these people have families and side-jobs as superheroes, and, well, you’re just not helping.

But…uh. Nice work.

*aside to Jordan Stone and Martin Hughes: Your name is bullshit. Change it, immediately.