The Learn List

Posted on June 16, 2008 Under Life

It’s more or less a fact of life that you learn something new everyday. You might learn that Paris Hilton is dating someone new or that your Grandmother’s application to join the Hells Angels was accepted. However, if you’re employed within the creative fields of graphic design, illustration, web design and developement, the odds are that neither of those things are useful or applicable towards your continued personal growth within your chosen trade. If you’re looking to gain more practical knowledge that will go a long way toward giving you more of an edge in your creative field of employment, you’ll probably find The Learnlist to be a much more valuable source of wisdom on everything from Flash to Dreamweaver. The site is aimed at creative types and lists a bevy of the best books and websites to help you add to your ever growing database of information for innovation. Whether there’s a new program that you need to learn or an application you just haven’t had the time to perfect yet, The Learnlist is the place to go to expand your intelligence on such matters.