Take Me Back

Posted on April 16, 2008 Under Life

Like Lost fans, quantum mechanics professors, or McCain supporters, we like to exist in a constant state of confusion…all it a perpetual need for puzzling plot lines. In the webisode series Take Me Back, we follow ordinary Canadian citizen Al on a typical day; tailed by a man in a creepy mask, almost dropping a crippled girl down a flight of stairs, coming into possession mysterious pocket watch thing, and then being tasered and thrown into a trunk. Sounds like a full weekend to us. Two out of the ten eps of the series are currently up at Take Me Back and after a big reveal in the second episode, message board theories are flying. The most impressive thing is the production values that creators Joe and Seth are working with — the set design alone leads us to believe this isn’t the first time these Quebecois have held a camera. Plus, watching web videos is never a bad way to spend a day at the office.