Guy Kawasaki's New Baby: Truemors

Posted on May 22, 2007 Under Life

Uber-famous entrepreneur and venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki recently launched a new project, His latest venture aims to open access to information and capitalize on user-generated content - namely rumors, news, and other tidbits. Anything seems to be fair game,…

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OurStage: Bridging Artists and Audiences

Posted on April 25, 2007 Under Life

I'll say it out loud: the days of mangled html, annoying embedded media, and gawky community sites are numbered. Audience participation is most definitely Web Two-Point-Oh and any site that can deliver what consumers want in clean fashion will stand…

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Trip Sync Drops Booking Fees

Posted on April 12, 2007 Under Life

Trip Sync, the 'live data' travel tool that works together with Outlook-- that so many of you got excited about when I wrote about it a few weeks ago-- just made a commitment to its customers that may get you…

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TripSync: Streamline Travel Plans

Posted on March 23, 2007 Under Travel

For all of you Outlook users out there-- and I'm guessing there are quite a few of you-- you should have a look at TripSync, an exciting new Web 2.0 app that allows you to book, change, and manage travel…

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Web 2.0 in Under Five

Posted on February 24, 2007 Under Life

For those of you who haven't seen it yet, I hope you enjoy this short and thought provoking clip by Michael Wesch, who is an Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University. In this, a short, clear, simple,…

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MemoryMiner: Web 2.0 Wizardry

Posted on February 7, 2007 Under Life

MemoryMiner won the Macworld 2006 Best of Show Award-- that fact alone should tell you something about its Web 2.0 prowess. Without going into too much detail (chuckle chuckle), MemoryMiner is a Digital Storytelling application used to discover the threads…

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