Introducing Valet
Well, the cat is out of the bag. I decided to start another company called Valet back in January, and this past week we told a couple of friends, who told a couple of their friends, who told the whole…
Continue Reading →Well, the cat is out of the bag. I decided to start another company called Valet back in January, and this past week we told a couple of friends, who told a couple of their friends, who told the whole…
Continue Reading →I was invited to give the commencement speech at the Qatar Foundation 2012 Convocation. An incredible honor. Qatar's Education City includes branches of the following universities: Virginia Commonwealth University, Weill Cornell Medical College, Texas A&M University, Carnegie Mellon University, Georgetown…
Continue Reading →Image via Visual Complexity (not my actual flights)... A good tradition, looking back before I look forward. Where did you go in 2011? * indicates cities visited multiple times on non-consecutive days. Vancouver, Canada* Whistler, Canada Sydney, Australia* Melbourne, Australia…
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