PennyRoyal Silver

Posted on October 23, 2007 Under Fashion

We know you've got style, we've seen you cruising around town rocking some choice duds and while you may be quite the clothes horse, you're not exactly a jewelry hound. That's okay, you probably haven't found the right neck-cessory to…

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Pine Fresh

Posted on October 23, 2007 Under Fashion

Want to declare your freshness? What better way than by wearing what has become a universally accepted symbol of odor hiding everywhere: Pine Fresh. No, not a sprig of pine tree, but that wonderfully overpowering green cutout that we've all…

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Urban Cast-Away

Posted on September 10, 2007 Under Fashion

The limits of what we define as jewelry are slipping away quickly. Bodily adornments are shifting toward the amalgous, wide-open field of "whatever you can manage to stick to yourself". Tattoos, tiny Swarovski crystals, even porcelain-dipped fur scraps. Created by…

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Alex and Chloe Take it Gold

Posted on September 6, 2007 Under Fashion

It looks like Alex and Chloe have posted a little bit of new product since the last time I checked their site, and while it's certainly not an entire collection, I've still got to send you guys over to take…

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Kiel Mead's Key Rings

Posted on August 31, 2007 Under Fashion

Key rings are one of those things we use without much thought; usually you get a fresh one when you rent a new apartment, or buy a car. Sometimes you get fancy and someone buys you an "expensive" key ring…

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Brian Crumley: Peace Under Fire

Posted on August 16, 2007 Under Fashion

New York's Brian Crumley, a fifth-generation Texan, Gen Art favorite, and increasingly-hyped accessory designer, has taken on something a little heavier than jewelry in his latest collection. Peace Under Fire: Aggressive Symbols of Peace features metal worked into twisted (or…

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New Locher's

Posted on August 1, 2007 Under Fashion

Locher's just added six new accessories to their already lovely collection, and these latest brooches and necklaces bear the Locher name with as much coyly-disguised hedonism as we've come to expect from the up-and-coming French label. The delicate-looking pieces, much…

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Anna Tascha Larrson

Posted on July 13, 2007 Under Fashion

I immediately realized my mistake yesterday as I settled in a cab heading downtown after leaving the IILWY office to meet Josh for dinner. I'd left behind both my iPod and brand new (and rather pricey) headphones behind, which generally…

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Erica Weiner

Posted on June 27, 2007 Under Fashion

If one of Erica Weiner's mantras is "Make inexpensive jewelery that doesn't look cheap," the others must read something like "Make the most badassest jewelry on the planet," "Use my own personal basass status to increase the overall population of…

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Mike and Maaike: Stolen Jewels

Posted on June 15, 2007 Under Life

San Francisco-based design team Mike and Maaike have added to their impressive design repertoire by stealing some bling. In their new Stolen Jewels Collection, they explore the tangible versus the virtual in relation to real and perceived value. How did…

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