WARNING: If you're even a little bit squeamish you might not want to watch the Something Bad is Going To Happen Here trailer. The disturbing visuals, part of a viral campaign for Andrew Davison's debut novel "The Gargoyle", provide a…
South Africa takes the reality show one step further. It's called Can You Twist: six of the country's best female short story authors compete online to be crowned "Short Story Diva." For almost six weeks they've come up with zany…
Lina Scheynius has the second simplest website I've seen this week (the first being here). But the design's simplicity puts her beautiful series of photographs front and center. Aside from the technical aspects of using fuzzy images that interlace light…
Fodor's and Lonely Planet do an admirable job of helping first timers get around unfamiliar locales, but what about repeat visitors? After the obvious museums and landmarks, there are still plenty of cultural must sees and dos that escape our…
If you're planning on catching some waves while you're sitting on top of the world this summer, you've got to know your fellow surfers' lingo. There's nothing worse than boosting through a barrel on your beavertail and not knowing what…
Most guide books are, well, dull. And even if you think you've picked the "local" spots, you're likely to end up at the same bar or strip club with all the other tourists. Lame. But check out the new book…
Remember the Camp Camp book we were giving away to folks who sent in their pictures of the good ol' camp days? Oh yeah, that one. Well, it didn't work. In retrospect we realized the likelihood of having a digital…
We've talked about Alexandre Orion when he released his first book about his concept of Metabiotics "” interaction between his street paintings and the photographs taken of them. A year and a half later the Wooster Special Edition project is…
There's no question that Harrison Ford has played two of the greatest roles in film history. While we might have our own personal reasons as to why we think Indiana Jones is much cooler than Han Solo, no one's ever…