StyleMob Mashes Up

Posted on August 3, 2007 Under Life

Fashion site StyleMob has created a new mashup that’s part Hot or Not, part MySpace, and part StreetPeeper/fashion mag. The new site encourages users to post photos of themselves that represent their personal style and allows other users to vote on their hot new look. Unlike Hot or Not, StyleMob isn’t so much about rating the person in the picture, but rather their fashion sense (choice?). I’m partial to Zana Bayne’s Computer Hood personally (pictured here), but I’m not sure it comes in a widescreen edition. StyleMob also features a social networking function where users can create their own profile including areas for fashion comments, questions, and advice.

According to StyleMob co-founder Sasha Cagen…”StyleMob is more than a website, it’s a mindset and a way of life. StyleMob is about injecting creativity into getting dressed every morning. It’s about getting inspiration from other people whose taste and budgets match their own.”

More simply put, StyleMob is more of an online hipster hideout than a runway fashion review. It also serves to remind me, again, that my jeans need to get waaaaay tighter before I could ever verge on “hipster” myself.

via TechCrunch.

–Danny Nathan