Stupid Devil

Posted on September 6, 2007 Under Life

No, I’m not trying to get you to join the next Hale-Bopp cult. Stupid Devil is an art label that sells t-shirts, art prints, and vinyl toys featuring some crazy characters drawn by the artist Bard. Nothing too serious though; Stupid Devil has set a goal, nay a mission, of bringing art back to the “stupid” people instead of the “authoritarian, pseudo-intellectuals”. Basically, they’re bringing art back to the masses. And while they don’t expect everyone to love their stuff, they do expect a reaction.

They have a full-page manifesto that qualifies as nothing short of a good-humored rant about art and creativity. My personal favorite is this: “your requests for conceptual meaning with be met with a kung-fu fist of fury.” Gotta love a sense of humor like that!