Cut&Paste '07 Hits the Road

Posted on September 6, 2007 Under Design

Cut&Paste Digital Design Tournament kicked off this week in Boston, the first of 11 cities in the International competition’s search for “Originality, Technique, and Overall Dopeness.” Each event, which will be broadcast online and incorporates text-message voting (of course it does), will pair eight emerging designers in single-elimination timed design tournaments, with the ulitmate goal of winning a bunch of designer-coveted prizes (like Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collections and helpful tools from Wacom). While last year’s Cut&Paste stopped in only four cities (San Francisco, L.A., Chicago, and New York City), this year’s live-audience event will make it all the way to places like London, Sydney and Hong Kong, adding intensity, and probably some killer video footage, to the site-broadcasted competitions. If you’d like to get in on the action, you can cruise the Cut&Paste web page for dates and locations, where you can also check out last year’s action (and results). If anyone goes to this, we’d really, really, like to hear about it, so keep us posted.