Starck Super Clock

Posted on November 9, 2004 Under Gadgetry

I’m not sure if this is just overboard nerdy, but I think i’d like to get this Oregon Scientific
Starck large Multi Weather Staton Clock. Yes, key word being Starck, Phillips design, but apparently the interface is a mess according to the folks at Wireds Gadget lab. Bt still, how cool is this superclock? Barometric pressure, humitity, temp readings, forecast for cloud, sun, and rain for those of us that live in a room without windows. You can hit a button and the device projects the time in giant red digits onto your celiling….

It spits out all sorts of weather data, plus moon cycles and ties, in one undifferentiated mass. I’d have to be woken up by its alarm clock before I could focus on all the information though. Still, a Phillpe Starck designed weather station super clock computer thingy? He’s gotta have one of these too, right?!