Spear Exclusive: Relearn to Drive

Posted on June 20, 2007 Under Life

Who taught you to drive? This question will undoubtedly spark some interesting stories from almost anyone you ask and it’s the question BMW asks on newly launched, RelearnToDrive. Relearn features hilarious videos with different characters (agro gym coach, war vet grandpa, cig smoking "drive with both feet" mom, etc.) who may have taught you to drive, but have no clue what they’re talking about. After a hearty laugh, you can “Undo the Damage” at the BMW Performance School site that highlights everything the school has to offer — which is more than plenty — and showcases some insane driving footage. The ‘Testimonials’ and ‘Instructors’ sections are must sees!

We're thrilled to have "firsties" on the just-launched site and even more thrilled to have you, the readers, share the funny, humiliating, exhilarating, and scary stories about how you learned to drive. Without further adieu, I’ll give you all the green light!