Design Showcase: Highlights Week #1

Posted on June 20, 2007 Under Design

We get so many emails from artists, designers, publicists and fans that sometimes there’s no way we can get around to posting them all — that’s why three weeks ago, thanks to the folks at Kohler, we launched our Showcase feature, so there’d be yet another line of communication between you, the reader and our editorial team. The Showcase allows you to submit directly to the site without wondering if we got your email…or wondering if we think it stinks. There’s been so much great stuff added lately — like the Heyday Winger Shoes, Ric Stultz’s new book, “Babble Box“, Jedidiah’s Destroy Tee and the Choice Spring brush set over at CallMeCereal, all pictured above — but I think you guys are holding out on us. We are constantly checking for new additions we think will convert well to features on the front page, so adding to the Showcase is a great way to get our attention. Not only that, we still have $300 in Spout gift certificates to give away to the highest ranked submissions…so what are you waiting for?