Soundbombs: Acoustic Tagging

Posted on November 27, 2006 Under Life

Graffiti artists are not exactly popular in the context of the civilized society– many view them as cost creators rather than benefit providers. In recent years, however, many have gained recognition as both talented artists and astute strategists of information dissemination. Felix Beck went a step further, and transformed the graffiti medium from visual into audio with his Soundbombs project. Soundbombs are not exactly technologically advanced (you could probably find all the parts at RadioShack), but the message is the power behind Soundbombs. With a pre-recorded message working in concert with the unit’s motion sensor, Soundbombs make it possible to tag locations ‘in an acoustic form.’ Felix Beck’s goal: to draw attention to street art by using audio — rather than visual — means. According to Felix: ‘Sound jars people into awareness of their surroundings.’ You can apply (that’s right, apply) for a Soundbomb here.
Via Wired