Sell What You Say: Ether

Posted on June 11, 2006 Under Life

I believe that everyone is an expert in at least one subject. The common problem is that it’s not always easy to leverage your knowledge in the form of advice and make money from it. Well that problem is all but extinct now thanks to this brand new service called Ether, which makes it easy to sell what you say. When you sign up for Ether, you get a free Ether Phone Number that you configure to forward calls to your actual home or cell phone. You then set your rate, which can be on an hourly basis or flat fee. Next, you set the hours that you are willing to take calls, so you don’t get a call in the middle of the night. The great thing about Ether is that you can put your Ether Phone Number anywhere – on your website, business card, blog, whatever! Ether’s commission for Beta sign-ups is currently 10% and there are no setup, connection, or monthly fees. Sign up now and start makin that money.