Ritual: Hello Machosexual!

Posted on June 13, 2008 Under Life

If you’re like me and you’re stumped about what to get your pops for his upcoming ‘day’ (it’s on Sunday… dang it!), and you’re also sick of your pops calling you out as a metrosexual just because you choose to pluck those scraggly eyebrows that you inherited from him, we have a little gift idear for ya. Ritual, the grooming guys who tagged the line “goodbye metrosexual, hello machosexual,” have a little F’s Day special going where you can get a deal when you purchase together The Great American Bathroom Book and their ‘Kit.’ The Kit is all of their full-size products in a wooden box– you get the Razor Rinse, The Whip, The Balm, the Trifecta, and their Nature Calls product, which will have your Mum happier than the day your Dad got his vasectomy– 2 drops in the toilet after he takes his Number 2, and the odor will recede into the shadows. Just put both items in the cart and enter the code: JUNEDAD.