Phoenix: It’s Never Been Like That

Posted on June 5, 2006 Under Music

Phx1Phoenix is hands down one of my favorite bands and their new album, "It's Never Been Like That", released May 15, 2006, has only fueled my loyalty! Their 3rd studio album embraces elements of 70's, 80's, and 90's pop with songs like Long Distance Call, Napoleon Says and hints of fraught romance on tracks One Time Too Many and Lost and Found. As if this absolute gem of an album wasn't enough, Phoenix is also launching the new dighitbook exclusively at Colette. A cross between a book and digital music, the dighitbook is 40 pages that take you into the universe of the majestic Phoenix. It also comes with a gift code that allows you to download the album and a bonus track from iTunes. This is the CD for summer, so buy one, buy both, just get it and enjoy!