Pale Bird Design Studio

Posted on June 1, 2007 Under Design

One of my main motivations back in the days when I wanted to be a graphic designer was the potential to work with hot musicians on their album artwork and visual branding. However romanticized that vision was, at the time I really thought that would be the coolest job like, ever, so I can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy when I see work like I did today over at Pale Bird. In addition to collaborations with bands like Panic! At The Disco and Saves The Day on their websites and The Academy Is and Cute Is What We Aim For on their CD jackets, the Pale Bird team also specializes in producing non-annoying and dare I say, totally sexy MySpace profiles (like their’s, pictured above) and those shirts you buy at merch tables during concerts. On top of all of that, their own website is pretty dang slick too — definitely worth wasting a good half hour clicking around on, like I just did.