Meet The Schaffas

Posted on June 18, 2008 Under Art

Most artists are as individual as snowflakes; it’s a pretty safe bet that no two creative talents – given a blank canvas – will come up with the same thing. That’s exactly what makes Schaffas so magical. These “gentle and un-aspiring creatures of great mystery,” that more or less resemble one of your cuspids, were sent out by Sam Barratt and Chris Edser at Screamdance to their art friends all over the world, giving them carte blanche to decorate these bizarrely sculpted little guys at their own artistic whim. The result is a family of eighty distinct characters that reflect the genius and personality of their creators.

If you’d like to ‘Meet the Schaffas’ first hand, they’ll be on display at the Urban Cow Gallery in Adelaide until the end of June. Word has it, after their exhibition is over, the individual characters will be on sale with proceeds going to Close The Gap, a campaign that aims towards closing the health gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians.

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