Magda Sayeg x Knitta Please

Posted on January 13, 2009 Under Art

We’ve covered a lot of graffiti artist doing a lot of amazing things, but Knitta Please is one for the books (blogs?). Magda Sayeg began the graffiti group three and a half years ago to tag with knits instead of spray paint. Sort of a grandma friendly version of graffiti. For the past three and a half years they’ve been everywhere: Paris, a brick on the great wall of China, New York, El Savador, San Francisco and most recently in Mexico City where the team wrapped a freakin bus! Check out this video from interviewing her as she puts the final stitches in place for a knitting that covered the entire autobus. We can’t help but to think, “stitch your heart out Christo and Jean Claude.” Check out their gallery of travels and projects. They’ve also stocked some T-shirts to bring out your inter Knitta.