John Ruppel

Posted on June 11, 2007 Under Design

The rate at which graphic design evolves is something that never ceases to amaze me, but after playing around on John Ruppel‘s interactive portfolio, I’m even more blown away than usual. Ruppel seems to gather a good deal of his inspiration from nature, translating things like micro-organic movements and the random structure of a snowflake to generate coded representations of reality, resulting in absolutely beautiful, interactive pieces that are strikingly resemblant to the real deal. Ruppel also works more classically for clients like Acura and TEQUILA (the award-winning online advertising agency), and you can tell that the power behind his work is largely derived from his passion for experimentation. I haven’t seen very many portfolios that demonstrate this sort of creative process, and while it’s obvious that he’s already very successful, I recommend keeping an eye out to see what he comes up with next — we sure will be.