Introducing Rumplo

Posted on February 19, 2008 Under Fashion

We know it's not quite spring yet, but tee shirt weather is coming soon despite what Punxsutawney Phil saw on Groundhog's Day. If you're looking to get the hottest new tees but are afraid to brave the current cold spell to go to see what's at your favorite shirt shop, Rumplo is going to rock your world. An aggregator of all tees awesome, Rumplo allows you to check out the most stylish threads for your torso by compiling the newest designs from shirt sites around the world and putting them in one place. The site even lets you to keep track of specific shirt trends — for example, if you only wear orange and green, you can get updates on the latest orange and green tees by subscribing to updates on shirts tagged with either of the colors. Rumplo also makes it super easy to submit any sweet tees you might have seen while perusing the webnet that you feel like sharing with the rest of the world. We recommend heading over to Rumplo now and stocking up for when the sun comes out so you can be the style king of your hood.