iFoods TV

Posted on October 24, 2007 Under Food

Are you sitting at home, wondering whether you should order in from the Mexican place around the corner run by a Chinese family, or the Chinese place run by a Mexican family down the block? If so, why not eat somewhere the culinary options are limitless, a little place I like to call your own damn kitchen. So you say you can’t cook? Nonsense, if early man figured out how to use fire, you can certainly figure out how to switch on your stove. If it’s the rest of the process that scares you, look no further than iFoods Tv for help. “The website features over 100 free video recipes” prepared by superstar chef Niall Harbison, not to mention tutorials on the proper way to peel, blanch, and chop, to improve your kitchen credentials.

If you already fancy yourself a skillet savant, there’s plenty of other ways to put the site to good use as it also has a social networking element where members are encouraged to upload videos and photos of their own recipes and can even challenge the iFoods TV Chefs. As if you needed any more incentive to join, let us not forget to mention the top iFood users win a monthly prize. What are you waiting for? All you need is a computer and some kitchen utensils, and we know you have a computer. Go make your own dinner!