Hulger: New Site!

Posted on November 19, 2007 Under Gadgetry

Phone accessories manufacturer Hulger just announced the launch of their new website, and to celebrate the sexy redesign of their now global company, they’re offering their equally sexy white P* Phone (the retro-looking one) and its base at a reduced price. For those unfamiliar with the P* Phone, here’s the run through: By attaching your cell, your Mac or your PC to the phone, via cord or bluetooth, you can chat away on the internets or via mobile just like your parents used to do (like with a real phone attached to your ear and stuff). The promo runs through December 15th, but don’t let that derail you from checking out Hulger’s other products, including special edition and limited edition products. So kitschy, so futuristic, so perfect for your nerdy bachelor uncle’s holiday gift…